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Tutorial on Distributed Constraint Optimization
for the Internet-of-Things (DCOP4IoT)
at ECAI 2020, the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,

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Short description

The ever-growing nature of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and related application domains (Smart home, Smart buildings, etc.) with numerous objects and configurations require more and more autonomy and coordination. Multi-agent systems are a suitable paradigm to model and develop applications and infrastructure to implement such IoT environments. Within the multi-agent techniques, distributed constraint reasoning is a relevant approach to model complex problems and decentralize decisions in a coordinated way. The workshop proposes to review some DCOP solution methods relevant for the IoT context, to model a real smart home case study, and finally to program and deploy DCOP solutions methods on a real IoT environment composed of Raspberry Pis.

Author: Gauthier Picard


Created: 2020-05-27 Wed 14:56


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