2008 - to present : Département Systèmes et
Architectures Sécurisés [www] - MSE /
Publication list on HAL :
or on dblp
Do not hesitate to ask for an author's version of any of the
following research papers
Journal papers 2024
Switching Off your Device Does Not Protect
Against Fault Attacks
TCHES 2024
Paul Grandamme, Pierre-Antoine Tissot, Lilian
Bossuet, Jean-Max Dutertre, Brice Colombier, Vincent Grosso [www] [pdf]
Papers with proceedings 2024
EM Fault Injection-Induced Clock Glitches: From
Mechanism Analysis to Novel Sensor Design
2024 IEEE 30th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and
Robust System Design (IOLTS)
Nabhan, Roukoz and Dutertre, Jean-Max and Rigaud, Jean-Baptiste
and Danger, Jean-Luc and Sauvage, Laurent [www] [pdf]
Journal papers 2023
Experimental EMFI detection on a RISC-V core using
the trace verifier solution
A. Zgheib, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, and J.-M. Dutertre
Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 103, p. 104968,
2023 [www] [pdf]
Detecting laser fault injection attacks via digital sensors
M. Ebrahimabadi, S. S. Mehjabin, R. Viera, S. Guilley, J.-L.
Danger, J.-M. Dutertre, and N. Karimi
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems [www] [pdf]
Tampering with the flash memory of
microcontrollers: permanent fault injection via laser
illumination during read operations
R. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, R. Silva Lima, M. Pommies, and A.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2023 [www] [pdf]
Active shielding against physical attacks by
observation and fault injection: ChaXa
C. Gaine, J.-P. Nikolovski, D. Aboulkassimi, and J.-M. Dutertre
Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, 2023 [www] [pdf]
Papers with proceedings 2023
Fault injection on embedded neural networks: Impact
of a single instruction skip
C. Gaine, P.-A. Moellic, O. Potin, and J.-M. Dutertre
26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2023 [www] [pdf]
Software-only control-flow integrity against fault injection
F. Bonnal, J.-M. Dutertre, V. Dupaquis, and O. Potin
26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2023 [www] [pdf]
CIFER: Code integrity and control flow verification for
programs executed on a RISC-V core
A. Zgheib, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, and J.-M. Dutertre
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security
and Trust (HOST) [www]
Lightweight countermeasures against original linear code
extraction attacks on a RISC-V core
T. Gousselot, O. Thomas, J.-M. Dutertre, O. Potin, and J.-B.
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Hard- ware Oriented
Security and Trust (HOST) [www] [pdf]
Security evaluation of a hybrid CMOS/MRAM Ascon hardware
N. Roussel, O. Potin, J.-M. Dutertre, and J.-B. Rigaud
2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and
Exhibition (DATE) [www] [pdf]
A CCFI verification scheme based on the RISC-V trace encoder
A. Zgheib, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, and J.-M. Dutertre
Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE)
2023 [www]
A Tale of Two Models: Discussing the Timing and Sampling EM
Fault Injection Models
R. Nabhan, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, J.-L. Danger, and L.
FDTC 2023 – Twentieth Workshop on Fault Diag- nosis and
Tolerance in Cryptography [www] [pdf]
Fault injection and safe-error attack for extraction of
embedded neural network models
K. Hector, P.-A. Moellic, M. Dumont, and J.-M. Dutertre
SECAI Workshop, ESORICS 2023 [www] [pdf]
X-ray fault injection in non-volatile memories on power off
P. Grandamme, L. Bossuet, and J.-M. Dutertre
2023 IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics
(PAINE) [www]
Evaluation of parameter-based attacks against embedded neural
networks with laser injection
M. Dumont, K. Hector, P.-A. Moëllic, J.-M. Dutertre, and S.
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Safecomp 2023 [www] [pdf]
Highlighting two EM fault models while analyzing a digital
sensor limitations
R. Nabhan, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, J.-L. Danger, and L.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition
(DATE), 2023 [www] [pdf]
Journal papers 2022
Photonic power firewalls
J.-M. Dutertre, A.-P. Mirbaha, D. Naccache, A. Tria
J. Cryptogr. Eng. 2022 [www]
Implémentation matérielle d’un algorithme de cryptographie
légère pour objets connectés
N. Roussel, O. Potin, J. B. Rigaud, et J. M. Dutertre
J3EA 2022 [www] [pdf]
Papers with proceedings 2022
Injecting Permanent Faults into the Flash Memory of
a Microcontroller with Laser Illumination During Read
R. Viera, Jean-Max Dutertre, Rodrigo Silva Lima
ASHES@CCS 2022 [www] [pdf]
A CFI Verification System based on the RISC-V Instruction
Trace Encoder
Anthony Zgheib, Olivier Potin, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud, Jean-Max
DSD 2022 [www] [pdf]
Detecting Laser Fault Injection Attacks via Time-to-Digital
Converter Sensors
Mohammad Ebrahimabadi, Suhee Sanjana Mehjabin, R. Viera, Sylvain
Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger, Jean-Max Dutertre, Naghmeh Karimi
HOST 2022 [www] [pdf]
CMOS/STT-MRAM Based Ascon LWC: a Power Efficient Hardware
Nathan Roussel, Oliver Potin, Gregory di Pendina, Jean-Max
Dutertre, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud
ICECS 2022 [www] [pdf]
An Experimentally Tuned Compact Electrical Model for Laser
Fault Injection Simulation
William Souza da Cruz, Raphael Viera, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud,
Guillaume Hubert, Jean-Max Dutertre
IOLTS 2022 [www] [pdf]
A Closer Look at Evaluating the Bit-Flip Attack Against Deep
Neural Networks
Kevin Hector, Pierre-Alain Moellic, Mathieu Dumont, Jean-Max
IOLTS 2022 [www] [pdf]
Target Preparation Methodology for Semi-Invasive Attacks on
Lima Rodrigo Silva, Viera Raphael, Dutertre Jean-Max, Ribotta
Anne-Lise, Pommies Matthieu, Bertrand Anthony
PAINE 2022 [www] [pdf]
New Probe Design for Hardware Characterization by
ElectroMagnetic Fault Injection
Gaine C., Nikolovski J.-P., Aboulkassimi D., Dutertre J.-M
EMC Europe 2022 [www] [pdf]
Journal papers 2021
analysis of the electromagnetic instruction skip fault model
and consequences for software countermeasures
Jean-Max Dutertre, Alexandre Menu, Olivier Potin, Jean-Baptiste
Rigaud, Jean-Luc Danger
Microelectronics Reliability 2021 [www] [pdf]
Papers with proceedings 2021
Permanent laser fault injection into the flash
memory of a microcontroller
R. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, M. Dumont, P.-A. Moellic
19th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference,
NEWCAS 2021 [www] [pdf]
Luring transferable adversarial perturbations for deep neural
R. Bernhard, P.-A. Moellic, and J.-M. Dutertre
2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) [www] [pdf]
Further analysis of laser-induced IR-drop
W. S. Cruz, R. A. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, and G.
30th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2021) [www] [pdf]
An overview of laser injection against embedded neural
network models
M. Dumont, P.-A. Moellic, R. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, and R.
2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF- IoT) [www] [pdf]
Faultline: Software-based fault injection on memory transfers
J. Gravellier, J.-M. Dutertre, Y. Teglia, and P. L. Moundi
HOST 2021 [www] [pdf]
Analysis of a laser-induced instructions replay fault model in a
32-bit microcontroller
V. Khuat, J.-M. Dutertre, and J.-L. Danger
2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) [www] [pdf]
Laser fault injection in a 32-bit microcontroller: from the
flash interface to the execution pipeline
V. Khuat, J.-L. Danger, and J.-M. Dutertre
2021 Workshop on Fault Detection and Tolerance in Cryptography
(FDTC) [www] [pdf]
Extending a RISC-V core with an AES hardware accelerator to
meet IOT constraints
A. Zgheib, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, and J.-M. Dutertre
PRIME, 2021 [www] [pdf]
Journal papers 2020
Assessment of
on-chip current sensor for detection of
thermal-neutron-induced transients,
R. Possamai Bastos, J.-M. Dutertre, M. Garay Trindade, R. A. C.
Viera, O. Potin, M. Letiche, B. Cheymol, J. Beaucour
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2020 [www]
Papers with proceedings 2020
Experimental Analysis of the Electromagnetic
Instruction Skip Fault Model,
A. Menu, J.-M. Dutertre, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, J.-L. Danger
IEEE 15th International Conference on Design & Technology of
Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, DTIS 2020 [www]
Evidence of a dynamic fault model in the DICE
radiation-hardened cell,
W. S. da Cruz, J.-M. Dutertre, J. B. Rigaud, G. Hubert
33rd Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, SBCCI
2020 [www] [pdf]
Electromagnetic fault injection as a new forensic approach
for SoCs,
C. Gaine, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontié, J.-P. Nikolovski, J.-M.
IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and
Security, WIFS 2020. [www] [pdf]
Single-bit laser fault model in NOR flash memories: Analysis
and exploitation,
A. Menu, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, B. Colombier, P.-A.
Moellic, J.-L. Danger
Workshop on Fault Detection and Tolerance in Cryptography, FDTC
2020 [www]
Communications 2020 :
Discussion of the laser and EM Instruction Skip
Fault Models
J.-M. Dutertre, A. Menu, T. Riom, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, J.-L.
Journée thématique sur les attaques par injection de fautes,
Mercredi 18 mars 2020, ENS Paris [pdf] [www]
Luring of adversarial
Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moëllic, Jean-Max Dutertre
Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defence, CAID
2020 [pdf]
Journal papers 2019
Simulation and
Experimental Demonstration of the Importance of IR-Drops
During Laser Fault-Injection,
R. Viera, P. Maurine, J.-M. Dutertre
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, 2019 [www] [pdf]
Papers with proceedings 2019
Single-bit Faults in Flash Memory: Instructions Corruption on
a 32-bit Microcontroller,
Brice Colombier, Alexandre Menu, Jean-Max Dutertre, Pierre-Alain
Moëllic, Jean-Baptiste Rigaud, Jean-Luc Danger
IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and
Trust, HOST 2019 [www] [pdf]
Experimental Analysis of the
Laser-Induced Instruction Skip Fault Model,
Jean-Max Dutertre, Timothé Riom, Olivier Potin, Jean-Baptiste
The 24th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, Nordsec 2019 [www]
Precise Spatio-Temporal
Electromagnetic Fault Injections on Data Transfers,
Alexandre Menu, Shivam Bhasin, Jean-Max Dutertre, Jean-Baptiste
Rigaud, Jean-Luc Danger
Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography, FDTC
2019 [www]
Dual Detection of Heating and Photocurrent attacks (DDHP)
Sensor using Hybrid CMOS STT-MRAM,
M. Kharbouche-Harrari, R. Wacquez, G. di Pendina, J.-M.
Dutertre, J. Postel-Pellerin, D. Aboulkassimi, J.-M. Portal
25th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust
System Design, IOLTS 2019 [www] [pdf]
Remote Side-Channel Attacks on Heterogeneous SoC,
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe
Loubet-Moundi, Francis Olivier
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, 18th
International Conference, CARDIS 2019 [www]
High-Speed Ring Oscillator based Sensors for Remote
Side-Channel Attacks on FPGAs
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe
International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs,
ReConFig 2019 [www]
Impact of Low-bitwidth Quantization on the Adversarial
Robustness for Embedded Neural Networks,
Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moellic, Jean-Max
Dutertre - Best Paper
award [www]
International Conference on Cyberworlds, CW 2019 [pdf]
Assessment of Current Sensor on Chip for Detecting
Neutron-Induced Transients via Body Terminals,
Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, J.-M. Dutertre, M. Garay Trindade, R.
Camponogara-Viera, Olivier Potin, S. Rey, B. Cheymol, M. Baylac
Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems,
RADECS 2019 [www]
Comparison of Side-channel Leakage on Rich and Trusted
Execution Environments,
P. Leignac, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, J.-M. Dutertre, S. Pontié
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Cryptography and Security
in Computing Systems, CS2 2019 [www]
Communications 2019 :
Remote hardware attacks on connected devices
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe
Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security
Implementation and Characterization, PHISIC 2019 [pdf]
Impact of Low-bitwidth Quantization on the Adversarial
Robustness for Embedded Neural Networks
Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moellic, Jean-Max Dutertre
Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security
Implementation and Characterization, PHISIC 2019 [pdf] [www]
Remote side channel
Joseph Gravellier, Jean-Max Dutertre, Yannick Teglia, Philippe
ASSET Workshop at TUM - Towards a Secure Internet of Things,
ASSET 2019 [pdf]
Laser fault injection
into the Flash memory of a micro-controller
B. Colombier , A. Menu , J.-M. Dutertre , P.-A. Moëllic , J.-B.
Rigaud , J.-L. Danger
ASSET Workshop at TUM - Towards a Secure Internet of Things,
ASSET 2019 [pdf]
Robustness of Quantized Embedded Neural Networks
Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moellic, Jean-Max Dutertre
Computer & Electronics Security Applications conference,
Intelligence Artificielle et Défense, CE&SAR 2019 [www]
Déclenchement de sauts d’instructions par injection Laser et
Electro-Magnétique sur microcontrôleurs
J.M. Dutertre, Ph. Jaillon et Al.
Forum International de la Cybersécurité, FIC 2019
Journal papers 2018
to laser fault injection: CMOS FD-SOI vs. CMOS bulk,
J.-M. Dutertre, V. Beroulle, P. Candelier, S. D. Castro, L.
Faber, M.-L. Flottes, P. Gendrier, D. Hély, R. Leveugle, P.
Maistri, G. D. Natale, A. Papadimitriou, B. Rouzeyre
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2018
Assessing body built-in current sensors for detection of
multiple transient faults,
R. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, M.-L. Flottes, O. Potin, G. D. Natale,
B. Rouzeyre, and R. P. Bastos
Microelectronics Reliability, 88- 90:128 – 134, 2018
Papers with proceedings 2018 :
CAD Tool-Based Method for Simulation of Laser-Induced Faults
in Large-Scale Circuits,
Raphael A.C. Viera, Jean-Max Dutertre, Philippe Maurine, and
Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, ISPD 2018,
2018 International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD '18)
The case of using CMOS FD-SOI
rather than CMOS bulk to harden ICs against laser attacks,
J.-M. Dutertre, V. Beroulle, P. Candelier, L.-B. Faber, M.-L.
Flottes, P. Gendrier, D. Hély, R. Leveugle, P. Maistri, G. Di
Natale, A. Papadimitriou, B. Rouzeyre, IOLTS 2018,
In On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS), 2018.
Laser fault injection at the
CMOS 28 nm technology node: an analysis of the fault model,
J.-M. Dutertre, V. Beroulle, P. Candelier, S. De Castro, L.-B.
Faber, M.-L. Flottes, P. Gendrier, D. Hély, R. Leveugle, P.
Maistri, G. Di Natale, A. Papadimitriou, B. Rouzeyre, FDTC 2018,
14th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in
[talk] [pdf]
Assessing Body Built-In Current
Sensors for Detection of Multiple Transient Faults,
R. Viera, R. P. Bastos, J.-M. Dutertre, M.-L. Flottes, O. Potin,
G. Di Natale, B. Rouzeyre, ESREF 2018,
29th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices,
Failure Physics and Analysis
Communications 2018 :
Targeting several unpipelined
instructions with a single electromagnetic pulse on 8-bit
A. Menu, J.-L. Danger, J.-M. Dutertre, E. Kharbouche, O. Potin,
and J.-B. Rigaud
16th International Workshops on Cryptographic architectures
embedded in logic devices, CrytArchi 2018,
Experimental comparison and analysis of the sensitivity to
laser fault injection of CMOS FD-SOI and CMOS bulk
J.-M. Dutertre, PHISIC 2018
Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security
Implementation and Characterization,
Laser Attacks against DDR Redundancy,
P. Maistri, J.-M. Dutertre, R. Leveugle, SURREALIST 2018
Workshop on SecURity, REliAbiLity, test, prIvacy, Safety and
Trust of Future Devices, 2018 - Bremen (Germany),
Hardware attacks: theory and
experimental state-of-the-art of laser fault injection attacks,
J.-M. Dutertre, PréGDR SécuInfo
Journées Nationales 2018 Pré-GDR Sécurité Informatique,
Journal papers 2017
for evaluation of transient-fault detection techniques,
R. Viera, R. P. Bastos, J.-M. Dutertre, P. Maurine, R. I.
Microelectronics Reliability 76-77: 68-74 (2017)
Papers with proceedings 2017
of Laser-Induced IR Drops in the Occurrence of Faults:
Assessment and Simulation,
R. Viera, J.-M. Dutertre, R. P. Bastos, P. Maurine, DSD 2017,
in: 2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design
[www] [pdf]
Importance of IR drops on the
modeling of laser-induced transient faults,
R. Viera, P. Maurine, J. M. Dutertre, R. P. Bastos, SMACD 2017,
14th Intl Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
Methods and Applications to Circuit Design
Communications 2017 :
A 45 minutes introduction to the
practice and theory of laser fault injection,
J.-M. Dutertre, séminaire IRISA-INRIA
Séminaire sécurité des systèmes électroniques embarqués
Attaque par faute induisant un saut d'instruction,
J.-M. Dutertre,
Rencontre Crypto'Puces 2017,
L'enseignement de la sécurité à
l'Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne,
Ph. Jaillon, J.-M. Dutertre,
27ème journée thématique sur la sécurité numérique,
Journal papers 2016
Versus Backside Laser Injection: A Comparative Study,
S. De Castro, J.-M. Dutertre, B. Rouzeyre, G. Di Natale, M.-L.
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC)
- Special Issue on Secure and Trustworthy Computing
Book chapter 2016
Power Firewalls,
Dutertre,J.-M., Mirbaha A.-P., Naccache D., Tria A.
The New Codebreakers, 2016
Springer International Publishing,
Papers with proceedings 2016 :
Biasing Injection Attacks in Practice,
N. Beringuier-Boher, M. Lacruche, D. El-Baze, J.-M. Dutertre,
J.-B. Rigaud, P. Maurine, CS2 2016,
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Cryptography and Security
in Computing Systems
On the Use of Forward Body
Biasing to Decrease the Repeatability of Laser-Induced Faults,
M. Lacruche, N. Beringuier-Boher, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud,
E. Kussener, DATE 2016,
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and
Laser testing of a double-access bbics architecture with
improved see detection capabilities,
C. Champeix, J.-M. Dutertre, V. Pouget, B. Robisson, M. Lisart,
N. Borrel, and A. Sarafianos, RADECS 2016,
Radiation Effects on Components and Systems workshop
[talk] [pdf]
Communications 2016 :
Assessment of the laser-induced
fault model towards continuous CMOS technology shrinkage,
J.-M. Dutertre, et al., TRUDEVICE 2016
Workshop on Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure
Devices, March 18th 2016, Dresden, Germany,
Practical results on
laser-induced instruction-skip attacks into microcontrollers,
T. Riom, J.-M. Dutertre, O. Potin, J.-B. Rigaud, TRUDEVICE 2016
Workshop on Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure
Devices, November 15th 2016, Barcelona, Spain,
Laser attacks on integrated
circuits: assessment of the threat,
J.-M. Dutertre, et al., PHISIC 2016
Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovation in Security and
Characterization, 3rd October 2016, Gardanne,
[www] [pdf]
Journal papers 2015
model of an Inverter body biased structure in triple well
technology under pulsed photoelectric laser stimulation,
N. Borrel, C. Champeix, E. Kussener, W. Rahajandraibe, M.
Lisart, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Sarafianos,
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 55, Issues 9-10,
August-September 2015,
Book chapter 2015
Fault Effects in Security-Dedicated Circuits,
V. Beroulle, P. Candelier, S. De Castro, G. Di Natale, J.-M.
Dutertre, M.-L. Flottes, D. Hély, G. Hubert, R. Leveugle, et al.
VLSI-SoC: Internet of Things Foundations, 2015
Volume 464 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and
Communication Technology pp 220-240,
Papers with proceedings 2015 :
of Bulk Built-In Current Sensors Detecting Multiple Transient
R. A. Camponogara Viera, R. Possamai Bastos, J.-M. Dutertre, O.
Potin, M.-L. Flottes, G. Di Natale, B. Rouzeyre, ATS 2015,
24th IEEE Asian Test Symposium, Mumbai India 2015
Electrical model of an Inverter
body biased structure in triple well technology under pulsed
photoelectric laser stimulation,
N. Borrel, C. Champeix, E. Kussener, W. Rahajandraibe, M.
Lisart, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Sarafianos, ESREF 2015,
26th European
Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure
Physics and Analysis
Influence of triple-well technology on laser fault injection
and laser sensor efficiency,
N. Borrel, C. Champeix, E. Kussener, W. Rahajandraibe, M.
Lisart, A. Sarafianos, J.-M. Dutertre, DFTS 2015
th IEEE Symp. Defect and Fault Tolerance in
VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems
SEU sensitivity and modeling
using pico-second pulsed laser stimulation of a D Flip-Flop in
40 nm CMOS technology,
C. Champeix, N. Borrel, J.-M. Dutertre, B. Robisson, M.
Lisart, A. Sarafianos, DFTS 2015
th IEEE Symp. Defect and Fault Tolerance in
VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems
Evidence of an information
leakage between logically independent blocks,
L. Zussa, I. Exurville, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, B.
Robisson, A. Tria, and J. Clédière, CS2 2015
Second Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing
Experimental validation of a
Bulk Built-In Current Sensor for detecting laser-induced
C. Champeix, N.Borrel, J.- M. Dutertre B. Robisson, M. Lisart,
A. Sarafianos, IOLTS 2015
21st IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, July 6-8,
2015, Greece
Laser Fault Injection into SRAM
cells: Picosecond versus Nanosecond pulses,
M. Lacruche, N. Borrel, C. Champeix, J.-M. Dutertre, C. Roscian,
A. Sarafianos, J.-B. Rigaud, E. Kussener, IOLTS 2015
21st IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, July 6-8,
2015, Greece
Electrical Model of an NMOS
Body Biased Structure in Triple-well Technology Under
Photoelectric Laser Stimulation,
N. Borrel, C. Champeix, E. Kussener, W. Rahajandraibe, M.
Lisart, J.-M. Dutertre and A. Sarafianos, IRPS 2015
IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, April 19-23,
2015, Monterey, CA, USA
Figure of merits of 28nm Si
technologies for imple- menting laser attack resistant
security dedicated circuits,
S. De Castro, G. Di Natale, M.-L. Flottes, B. Rouzeyre, and
J.-M. Dutertre, ISVLSI 2015
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, July 2015,
Montpellier, France
Communications 2015 :
Effets laser et
fautes sur les circuits intégrés dédiés à la sécurité
J.-M. Dutertre, et al., Journée Sécurité Numérique du GDR
SoC-SiP : 11ieme édition, 16 juin 2015, Télécom ParisTech,
[www] [pdf]
Sensitivity to fault laser
injection: a comparison between 28nm bulk and FD-SOI
S. De Castro, J.-M. Dutertre, G. Di Natale, M.-L. Flottes, B.
Rouzeyre, TruDevice 2015,
TRUDEVICE 2015: Workshop on Trustworthy Manufacturing and
Utilization of Secure Devices, March 13th 2015, Grenoble,
Journal papers 2014
the ability of Bulk Built-In Current Sensors to detect SEEs by
using triple-well CMOS,
J.M. Dutertre, R. Possamai Bastos, O. Potin, M.L. Flottes,
B. Rouzeyre, G. Di Natale, A. Sarafianos,
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 54, Issues 9–10,
September–October 2014,
Papers with proceedings 2014 :
of a Glitch Detector against Electromagnetic Fault Injection,
L. Zussa, A. Dehbaoui, K. Tobich, J.-M. Dutertre, P. Maurine, L.
Guillaume-Sage, J. Clédiere, A. Tria, DATE 2014
Design Automation & Test in Europe,
Analysis of the fault injection
mechanism related to negative and positive power supply
glitches using an on-chip voltmeter,
L. Zussa, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Clédiere, B. Robisson, HOST 2014
2014 IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and
Laser attacks on integrated
circuits: from CMOS to FDSOI,
J.-M. Dutertre , S. De Castro, A. Sarafianos, N. Boher, B.
Rouzeyre, M. Lisart, J. Damiens, P. Candelier, M.-L. Flottes and
G. Di Natale, DTIS 2014,
th International Conference on Design
& Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era
Improving the ability of Bulk
Built-In Current Sensors to detect SEEs by using triple-well
J.M. Dutertre, R. Possamai Bastos, O. Potin, M.L. Flottes, B.
Rouzeyre, G. Di Natale, A. Sarafianos, ESREF 2014,
25th European
Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure
Physics and Analysis
Comparison of Bulk Built-In
Current Sensors in terms of Transient-Fault Detection
R. Possamai Bastos, F. Sill Torres, J.-M. Dutertre, VARI 2014,
th European Workshop on CMOS
Laser-induced Fault Effects in
Security-dedicated Circuits, VLSI
SoC 2014
R. Leveugle, P. Maistri, P. Vanhauwaert, F. Lu, G. Di Natale,
M.-L. Flottes, B. Rouzeyre, A. Papadimitriou, D. Hely, V.
G. Hubert, S. De Castro, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Sarafianos, N.
Boher, M. Lisart, J. Damiens, P. Candelier, C. Tavernier
nd IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large
Scale Integration
ElectroMagnetic Analysis and
Fault Injection onto Secure Circuits,
VLSI SoC 2014
P. Maistri, R. Leveugle, L. Bossuet, A. Aubert, V. Fischer, B.
Robisson, N. Moro, P. Maurine, J.-M. Dutertre, M. Lisart,
nd IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large
Scale Integration
Characterization and simulation
of a body biased structure in triple-well technology under
pulsed photoelectric laser stimulation - Poster
N. Borrel, C. Champeix, E. Kussener, W. Rahajandraibe, M.
Lisart, J-M. Dutertre, A. Sarafianos, ISTFA 2014
th International Symposium for Testing and Failure
Evidence of a larger EM-induced
fault model
S. Ordas, L. Guillaume-Sage, K. Tobich, J.-M.Dutertre, P.
Maurine, Cardis 2014
th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application
Conference, France, November 5-7, 2014
Communications 2014 :
Analysis of a fault injection
mechanism related to voltage glitches using an on-chip
L. Zussa, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Clediere, B. Robisson, TRUDEVICE
May 26-30 2014 ETS Workshop ,
Design of Bulk Built-In Current Sensors to Detect Single
Event Effects and Laser-Induced Fault Injection Attempts -
J.-M. Dutertre, R. Possamai Bastos, O. Potin, M.-L. Flottes, G.
Di Natale, and B. Rouzeyre, Trudevice
Joint MEDIAN – TRUDEVICE Open Forum, September 30, 2014,
Amsterdam (The Netherlands) ,
Journal papers 2013
tuning of a bulk built-in current sensor for optimal
transient-fault detection,
J.M. Dutertre, R. Possamai Bastos, O. Potin, M.L. Flottes,
B. Rouzeyre, G. Di Natale,
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 53, Issues 9–11,
Electrical modeling of the
photoelectric effect induced by a pulsed laser applied to an
SRAM cell,
A. Sarafianos, C. Roscian, J.M. Dutertre, M. Lisart, A. Tria,
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 53, Issues 9–11,
Papers with proceedings 2013 :
the electrical model of the pulsed photoelectric laser
stimulation of an NMOS transistor in 90nm technology,
A. Sarafianos, O. Gagliano, M. Lisart, V. Serradeil, J.M.
Dutertre, A. Tria, IRPS 2013
2013 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS),
Electromagnetic Glitch on the AES Round Counter,
A. Dehbaoui, A.-P. Mirbaha, N. Moro, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Tria,
Cosade 2013
Forth International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel
Analysis and Secure Design,
[www] [pdf]
Frontside Laser Fault Injection
on Cryptosystems - Application to the AES last round,
C. Roscian, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Tria, HOST 2013
2013 IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and
Power supply glitch induced
faults: an in-depth analysis of the injection mechanism,
L. Zussa, J.-M.Dutertre, J. Clédière, A.Tria, IOLTS'13,
th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium
Sensitivity tuning of a bulk
built-in current sensor for optimal transient-fault detection,
J.M. Dutertre, R. Possamai Bastos, O. Potin, M.L. Flottes,
B. Rouzeyre, G. Di Natale, ESREF 2013,
24th European
Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure
Physics and Analysis
Electrical modeling of the
photoelectric effect induced by a pulsed laser applied to an
SRAM cell,
A. Sarafianos, C. Roscian, J.M. Dutertre, M. Lisart, A. Tria,
ESREF 2013,
24th European
Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure
Physics and Analysis
Fault Model Analysis of
Laser-Induced Faults in SRAM Memory Cells,
C. Roscian, A. Sarafianos, J.-M. Dutertre, and A. Tria,
FDTC 2013
th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance
in Cryptography
Investigation of near-field
pulsed EMI at IC level,
D. Amine, J.-M. Dutertre, B. Robisson, A. Tria, APEMC 2013
Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on
Electromagnetic Compatibility : APEMC 2013,
Practical measurements of data
path delays for IP authentification and integrity verification
- Poster
I. Exurville, J. Fournier, J.-M. Dutertre, B. Robisson,
and A. Tria, ReCoSoC 2013
th International Workshop on Reconfigurable
Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip
, [www]
Robustness improvement of an
SRAM cell against laser-induced fault injection,
A. Sarafianos, C. Roscian, J.-M. Dutertre, M. Lisart, O.
Gagliano, V. Serradeil and A. Tria, DFTS 2013
th IEEE Symp. Defect and Fault Tolerance in
VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems
Differential Analysis of
Round-Reduced AES Faulty Ciphertexts,
A.-P. Mirbaha, J.-M. Dutertre and A. Tria, DFTS 2013
th IEEE Symp. Defect and Fault Tolerance in
VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems
A Single Built-in Sensor to
Check Pull-up and Pull-down CMOS Networks against Transient
R. Possamai Bastos, F. Sill Torres, J.-M. Dutertre,
M.-L. Flottes, G. Di Natale, B. Rouzeyre, PATMOS 2013
rd International Workshop on Power and
Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
, [www] [pdf]
2013 :
Discussion on the Model of
Laser-Induced Faults in SRAM Memory Cells,
C. Roscian, A. Sarafianos, J.-M. Dutertre, A. Tria, M. Lisart,
Cosade 2013
Forth International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel
Analysis and Secure Design,
From physical stresses to timing constraints violation,
L. Zussa, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Clédierre, A. Tria, Cosade 2013
Forth International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel
Analysis and Secure Design,
A Bulk Built-in Sensor for Detection of Fault Attacks -
R. Possamai Bastos, F. Sill Torres, J.-M. Dutertre, M.-L.
Flottes, G. Di Natale and B. Rouzeyre, HOST 2013,
2013 IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and
The bad and the good of Physical functions,
B. Robisson, I. Exurville, J.-Y. Zie, H. Le Bouder, J.-M.
Dutertre, J. Fournier, J.-B. Rigaud, CryptArchi 2013,
th CryptArchi Workshop,
From physical stresses to timing constraints violation
L. Zussa, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Clédierre, A. Tria, Chip to Cloud
Chip-to-Cloud, Security Forum,
Laser-Induced Faults in SRAM Memory Cells: Experimental
Results and Simulation-based Analysis
J.-M. Dutertre, C. Roscian, A. Sarafianos, M. Lacruche,
TRUDEVICE Meeting 2013,
Journal papers 2012
the electrical model of the Photoelectric Laser Stimulation of
a PMOS transistor in 90 nm technology,
A. Sarafianos, R. Llido, J.-M. Dutertre, O. Gagliano, V.
Serradeil, M. Lisart, V. Goubier, A. Tria, V. Pouget, D. Lewis,
Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 52, Issues 9–10,
September–October 2012
Security Characterisation of a
Hardened AES Cryptosystem Using a Laser,
C. Roscian, F. Praden, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Fournier, A. Tria,
TECHNICAL SCIENCES Abbrev.: Techn. Sc., No 15(1), Y 2012, ISSN
, [www]
Papers with proceedings 2012 :
of timing constraints violation as a fault injection means,
L. Zussa, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Clédière, B. Robisson and A. Tria,
DCIS 2012
th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated
Systems (DCIS),
Electromagnetic Transient Faults Injection on a Hardware and
Software Implementation of AES,
A. Dehbaoui, J.-M. Dutertre, B. Robisson and A. Tria
, FDTC 2012
th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance
in Cryptography
A DFA on AES based on
the Entropy of Error Distributions,
R. Lashermes, G. Reymond, J.-M. Dutertre, J. Fournier, B.
Robisson and A. Tria, FDTC 2012
th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance
in Cryptography
Fault Round Modification Analysis of the Advanced Encryption
J.-M. Dutertre, A.-P. Mirbaha, D. Naccache, A.-L.
Ribotta, A. Tria, T. Vaschalde, HOST 2012,
2012 IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and
Characterization and TCAD simulation of 90 nm technology
transistors under continuous photoelectric laser stimulation
for failure analysis improvement,
R. Llido, A. Sarafianos, O. Gagliano, V. Serradeil, V. Goubier,
M. Lisart, G. Haller, V. Pouget, D. Lewis, J.M. Dutertre, A.
19th IEEE Int. Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of
Integrated Circuits - IPFA 2012
TCAD simulation of 90 nm technology PMOS transistors under
continuous photoelectric laser stimulation for failure
analysis improvement,
R. Llido, A. Sarafianos, O. Gagliano, V. Serradeil, V. Goubier,
M. Lisart, G. Haller, V. Pouget, D. Lewis, J.M. Dutertre, A.
Tria, ISTFA 2012,
38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis
Building the electrical model
of the Photoelectric Laser Stimulation of a PMOS transistor in
90nm technology,
A. Sarafianos, R. Llido, O. Gagliano, V. Serradeil, M. Lisart,
V. Goubier, J.M. Dutertre, A. Tria, V. Pouget, D. Lewis, ESREF
23rd European
Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure
Physics and Analysis
Building the electrical model
of the Photoelectric Laser Stimulation of a NMOS transistor in
90nm technology,
A. Sarafianos, R. Llido, O. Gagliano, V. Serradeil, M. Lisart,
V. Goubier, J.M. Dutertre, A. Tria, V. Pouget, D. Lewis, ISTFA
38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis
Communications 2012 :
unified formalism for side-channel and fault attacks on
cryptographic circuits, Poster
B. Robisson, H. Lebouder, J.-M. Dutertre and A. Tria, DCIS 2012
th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated
Systems (DCIS),
Countermeasures against EM Analysis,
P. Maistri, S. Tiran, A. Dehbaoui,P. Maurine, J.-M. Dutertre,
CrypArchi 2012
th International Workshops on Cryptographic
Architectures Embedded in Reconfigurable Devices
On the use of the EM medium as
a fault injection means,
P. Maurine, A. Dehbaoui, F. Poucheret, J.-M. Dutertre, B.
Robisson, A. Tria, , CrypArchi 2012
th International Workshops on Cryptographic
Architectures Embedded in Reconfigurable Devices
Injection of transient faults using electromagnetic pulses
-Practical results on a cryptographic system
A. Dehbaoui and J.M. Dutertre and B. Robisson and P.
Orsatelli and P. Maurine and A. Tria
th of march 2012, Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report
Mise en œuvre d'une méthode de détection de
« Trojans » matériels sur circuits AES.
I. Exurville, J. Fournier, J.-M. Dutertre
Journée Sécurité Numérique GDR SoC-SiP, ENST Paris 27
novembre 2012
Journal paper 2011
Design & characterisation
of an AES chip embedding countermeasures,
Agoyan M., Bouquet S., Dutertre J.-M., Fournier J. J.-A, Rigaud
J.-B., Robisson B.,Tria A., IJIEI 2011,
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering
Informatics, special issue on "communication & security
Papers with proceedings 2011 :
fault injection mechanisms and consequences on countermeasures
Invited paper
Agoyan M., Dutertre J.-M., Mirbaha A.-P., Naccache D.,
Rigaud J.-B., Robisson B.,Tria A., DTIS 2011,
6th International Conference on Design &
Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS),
Side-Channel and Fault-Attack Resistant AES Circuit Working on
Duplicated Complemented Values,
Doulcier-Verdier M., Dutertre J.-M., Fournier J. J.-A., Rigaud
J.-B., Robisson B., Tria
2011 IEEE International Solid-State
Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC),
Design of a duplicated
fault-detecting AES chip and yet using clock set-up time
violations to extract 13 out of 16 bytes of the secret key,
M. Agoyan, S. Bouquet, M. Doulcier-Verdier, J.-M. Dutertre, J.
Fournier, J.-B. Rigaud, B. Robisson, A.Tria, SSI 2011,
Smart System Integration, Dresden : Allemagne
Papers with proceedings 2010 :
Using Multiple-Byte Laser Fault Injection,
Dutertre J.-M., Fournier J. J.-A., Mirbaha A.-P., Naccache
D., Ribotta A.-L.,Tria A., HST 2010,
The tenth annual IEEE International Conference on Technologies
for Homeland Security (IEEE HST '10)
Reproducible single-byte laser
fault injection,
J.-M. Dutertre,
A.-P.MIRBAHA, A.Tria, D.Naccache, PRIME'10,
6th IEEE Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics &
Electronics (PRIME)
How to flip a bit?
M.Agoyan, J.-M.Dutertre, A.-P.Mirbaha, D.Naccache, A.-L.Ribotta,
A.Tria, IOLTS'10,
16th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS)
Experimental Fault Injection
around the Prototyping of an AES Cryptosystem,
Rigaud J.-B., Dutertre J.-M., Agoyan M., Robisson B.,
Tria A., ReCoSoC'10,
Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010
When Clocks Fail: On Critical Paths and Clock Faults,
Agoyan M., Dutertre J.-M., Naccache D., Robisson B., Tria A.,
CARDIS 2010,
9th IFIP WG 8.1/11.2 International conference
Communications 2010 :
to Perfect Solutions Against Power Attacks,
J.-M. Dutertre, A.-P. Mirbaha, D. Naccache, A. Tria,
Rump session Eurocrypt 2010
[www] [pdf]
Single-Byte Laser Faults Using
Large Spots,
M. Agoyan, J.-M. Dutertre, A.-P. Mirbaha, D. Naccache, A.-L.
Ribotta, A. Tria,
2nd PACA Security Trends in Embedded Security Workshop (PASTIS
Revue expérimentale des
techniques d'injection de fautes,
J.-M. Dutertre, A.-P. Mirbaha, A. Tria, B. Robisson, M. Agoyan,
Journée Sécurité Numérique GDR SoC-SiP, ENST Paris 31 mars
Communications 2009 :
fault injection method for security characterization,
Dutertre J.-M., Tria A., Robisson B., Agoyan M., e-Smart 2009
Injection de fautes par
modification de l'horloge : application à l'AES,
Dutertre J.-M., Tria A., Robisson B., Agoyan M., Crypto'puces
2005 - 2008 : LaMIP - ENSICAEN
Joint laboratory NXP Semiconducteurs - ENSICAEN [www].
1999 - 2002 : LIRMM
PhD at LIRMM laboratory (
Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique
de Montpellier ).
This thesis is devoted to the development of Single Event Upset
hardness methodologies dedicated to SRAM based FPGA. SEU may alter
the FPGA function through induced errors in the configuration
memory. This is the major concern about the use of FPGA in
radiation environment. Furthermore they affect the user logic in a
similar way than classical integrated circuits.
Thanks to restructuration of their transistors arrangement and
number, we propose a new inverter and data latch architectures. It
allows us to define an SEU proof architecture for user logic
hardness. This method is although applicable to harden the
configuration memory.
However it is area consuming. So we propose a second methodology
dedicated to the configuration memory. It is an Error Correction
And Detection algorithm based on parity testing.
Finally we present the test circuit we designed to validate the
restructurating approach.
Reconfigurable circuit, Robust design, FPGA, SRAM, Single Event
Upset, EDAC,Radiation Hardness.
Cette thèse est consacrée à
l’étude de solutions de durcissement des circuits
reconfigurables à base de SRAM aux effets radiatifs singuliers.
Un partitionnement symbolique des FPGA en une couche de
configuration et une couche opérative a permis de mettre en
évidence et de hiérarchiser les erreurs d’origine radiative.
C’est l’éventuelle inversion de bits de configuration qui est le
principal facteur limitant l’usage des FPGA en milieu radiatif.
Après avoir étudié les solutions actuellement retenues, nous
présentons deux approches permettant d’assurer leur
La première approche est basée sur la restructuration des
inverseurs et des éléments de mémorisation au niveau de
l’agencement de leurs transistors. Elle permet de durcir
efficacement la couche opérative aux effets singuliers. Elle est
également adaptée au durcissement de la couche de configuration,
mais au prix d’un surcoût en surface important.
La deuxième approche repose sur l’utilisation d’un code
détecteur et correcteur d’erreurs par test de la parité. Elle
est dédiée au durcissement de la couche de configuration.
Un circuit test est également présenté afin de valider
expérimentalement les principes de durcissement par
restructuration que nous avons utilisés.
Mots-clés :
Circuits reconfigurables, FPGA, SRAM, Effets Singuliers,
Durcissement aux radiations, Restructuration, Conception robuste.
- Publications :
- 2002 - Thèse de doctorat : "Circuits Reconfigurables
Robustes" [pdf]
- 2001 - XVI Conference on Design of Circuits and
Integrated Systems
- "Robustness of CMOS Circuits Designed for Space and
Terrestrial Environment" : [pdf]
- 2001 - IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale
Integration - System on Chip
- "Integration of Robustness in the Design of a Cell" :
- 2001 - Conference on RADiation and its Effect on Components
and systems - RADECS 2001
- "Improving an SEU Hard Design using a Pulsed Laser" :